Go Viral or Go Home

How to go viral fast? I believe this what all businesses are thinking about how to create greater awareness and engage with their audiences fast. It is not easy. Viral Marketing consists of excellent content, creative, engagement and luck.

Photo by Aline Viana Prado on Pexels.com

Viral Marketing is a technique that marketer use to market a product or a service and it spread the messengers like a virus. This meant that information is passed from person to person, quickly. (Like COVID-19, but this is much safer, and everyone please take care of yourself during this pandemic. Wash your hands.)  This is why is called Viral Marketing, anything that spreads fast.  

How do you make a Good Viral Campaign?

Think of an idea that will spark shares, curiosity and wonders for people. You want people to share your campaign. The idea/content you want to share ensures that it will spark and spread positivity and your message is clear. You do not want your campaign message to be misinterpreted or backfire by the public.  Create a video or content and post it on your social media that would reach your target audiences. After that, wait for it to blow up.

A Good Viral Campaign – Budweiser’s Some Waits For You At Home

Budweiser’s Video Campaign

Budweiser is an American-style pale lager, which is a beer company. They have created a video campaign to promote consumers to drink responsibly as our love ones are waiting at home for us. This video shows the dog is waiting for his owner to come back after a night of drinking. To a dog, waiting never ends because even if his owner is dead, he wouldn’t know. Because the dog cannot understand. Hence, the dog will just keep waiting. This video messenger is powerful and “For some, the waiting never ended” is a heartbreaking message. It evokes certain emotions in consumers, and it creates a positive message.

A Not-Really Good Viral Campaign – Influencer’s Selling Used Pillows

A media company in Singapore, Shout has created this content which involves influencers to promote used pillows. This campaign went viral but not in a positive manner as many people were sceptical and concern about this. It receives lots of criticisms and backlashes. After this went viral, the company said it was a “Social Experiment”. I mean, whether is it a “Social Experiment” or not. It was not a really well-thought content. The media company did not handle this very well, including answering all the influencers involved. This is an example for you to know what is ‘A Not-Really Good Viral Campaign” and please always think through your content twice, thrice, whatever you need.

Finishing off, I hope you have a better understanding of Viral Marketing and what is a good and ‘not really good campaign’. It is really important to go viral for the right reasons for a business. Hence, choosing the right content to promote is critical.

Marketing in a Mobile

Are you reading this post through your mobile? If so, did I manage to capture your attention with my website? Am I executing Mobile Marketing here? Well, this week I am going to write about Mobile Marketing, do read on!

What is Mobile Marketing?

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Pexels.com

Mobile Marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy to promote products or services through smartphones, tablets or other mobile devices to reach a business’s target audiences. How do we reach them? Through websites, email, SMS, social media and apps.

As technology advances, so is marketing. Marketers will have to evolve as well to keep up with the latest technology to reach out to more target consumers as they can.

Why is Mobile Marketing Important?

The majority of us do own a mobile phone. It is convenient and fuss-free. The overall view and amount of content we can view on our mobile devices are simplified due to its small size. We can access the information we need easily, carry them anywhere and make purchases at any time we want. We can get anything we want just through our mobile device, hence, making mobile marketing important.

Types of Mobile Marketing

  • Mobile App Marketing
  • Mobile Banner Ads
  • In-Game Advertisement
  • Quick-response barcode (QR codes)
  • Proximity Marketing
  • Mobile Websites

Mobile App Marketing – Mobile apps allow businesses to include ads in mobile application designs. For example, Facebook or Instagram. As we can see the sponsored ad will be posted on our newsfeed.

Mobile Banner Ads – These ads are similar to the one on the desktop, but there are smaller to fit on the screen of the mobile devices.

In-Game Advertisement– Anyone who plays games, can relate to this so badly!! It is an advertisement on mobile devices that pop up when games are opened or in progress. It could be full-image ads or video ads that will show up during the loading screen.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Quick-response barcode (QR codes) – These barcodes are scanned by using the camera of your phone and it will link you to the designated website to see more information regarding a particular brand. (Safeentry got scan or not? If not, later government catch you)

Proximity marketing – Consumers get location specific ads which is enabled from their devices.

Mobile Websites – A smaller version of an actual website which is design for mobile use which is easier for people who are on their smartphones.

These 6 are the types of mobile marketing that marketers can leverage on. With these 6, you may wonder how do you do Mobile Marketing?

Firstly, Research your target customers. As a marketer, it is important to conduct thorough research on your consumer’s demographic and to know what they like, don’t like, apps they use etc… This can help to create effective ads that will help you in your business.

Secondly, Leverage opportunities on social media. Social media is a hot spot for marketers, if you know how to use it right and create great ads, it will appeal to a large number of social media users.

Thirdly, Set goals. Analysing the results and progress of a certain mobile marketing strategy is possible if the purpose of the campaign is set beforehand.

Lastly, Offer incentives. By providing rewards or offers will encourage prospective customers to take action. This is a great example of blog shops where they offer a 15% discount on your first purchase.

Certainly, there are more steps in how to do Mobile Marketing but I have chosen these 4 steps as I think it will be a good start to kick off Mobile Marketing.

SEO, SEM and Digital Analytics, What is that?

Did the title overwhelmed you? It sure did to me. Do not panic, I am here to break it down for you, so you no need to stress.


How to make full use of SEO?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

It is important to optimize your website with keywords that your target customer searches for in Google or other search engine. Hence, include your main keyword in your title tag, webpage URL and your meta description. With correct keywords, you may not even need the help for SEM already. Save cost for your business! But, there’s always a but. It will take a longer time for your searches to appear. Hence, patience.

You got money, use SEM

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

SEM is a combination of both SEO and PPC. Everything I have explained in SEO also applies to SEM. We have to bid for paid ads, bidding. Remember PPC? PPC allows you to bid on a specific keyword. Hence, if someone search for your keyword, your ad will pop up. The highest bidder you are, your add will be at the top. Hence, if one were to click your ad, you pay the amount that you have bidden which is also call cost per click (CPC).

What is Digital Analytics?

Digital analytics is the process of examine digital data from sources like websites, mobile applications etc… It provides a clear vision to the companies about how their users are behaving. With digital analytics, companies can use it to improve the areas that is needed and to fulfilled the gap. Also, it will help companies to provide a better user experience and achieved their own goals.

To allow you to have a better understanding of Digital Analytics, I will be using @Nutttybatter, a start-up business that me and my friend has created. For example, Instagram, is one of our platform we used to analyse our engagement rate with our customers.


Impressions is about how many people came across @Nutttybatter’s profile. However, the important thing that we want to see is how many profile visits we have. Why? Profile visits means user clicks into our profile and look at what we have posted. They can be our potential customers. Hence, with Digital Analytics, we can better improve our user experience and know what kind of gap we have to fill.

I hope with this post, you can better understand what is SEO, SEM and Digital Analytics. Hope you don’t feel panic-ky again !!


Digital Marketing Strategic Plan For Your Business

Having the thought of opening up your own business and have no idea what you have to do? Don’t worry, below are just some of the baby steps for you to get started! Not only that, my friend and I have open up our first online business (@nutttybatter)! which specialised in bakery pastries. I will use our online business as an example here, which can help you better understand how to create a digital marketing strategic plan for yourself!

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is using the internet to reach your consumers, which include:

  • Social media
  • Company website
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Advertising
  • Email

All of these helps to attract new consumers to your business. You have to make your business known to people. You want to go out, reach for new consumers and you need to make yourself known to them. Not the other way around.

4 Key Features of Digital Marketing Strategy  

Before, you start planning away. Stop and think of these 4 features in your plan

  1. Positioning: Customers’ understanding of the product and brand offering relative to those of competitors.
  2. Target Marketing Strategy: The evaluation and selection of suitable customer segments and the development of correct offers.
  3. Online Value Proposition (OVP): A statement of the benefits of online services which supports the core proposition and differentiates from an organisation’s offline offering and those of competitors.  
  4. Value Proposition: The benefits or value a brand offers to customers in its products and services.
Photo by Breakingpic on Pexels.com

There a lot of steps in a digital marketing strategic plan. It depends on whether your business needs the step or not. I will show you an example of what my business (@nutttybatter) has adopted below.

  1. Set digital marketing objectives: It is important to set numerical objectives for your business online channel. For @nutttybatter, we have chosen to use Instagram and our website for our online channel to track our followers, our online brand presence and engagement there. To influence the business objectives, we have been actively posting our pastries online and also promoting on our own social media account to gain awareness. The more we are active on our online channel, we will reach to a wider target audience.
  2. Access online marketplace: I honestly feel this should be included in your plan as it is critical to have a situation analysis review of the micro-environment of your customers, competitors, suppliers, resources and internal capabilities. @nutttybatter, has several competitors. Thanks to COVID, everyone is now a baker and selling them online. @nutttybatter has to offer something unique and special to stand out from its competitors
  3. Define customer value proposition: for @nutttybatter, we define our value proposition through our online channels (Instagram and website) and we relate it to our core proposition which is delivered by our own business. We have to review our market segmentation, marketing mix and our brand values to evaluate what can be improved online.
  4. Implement customer experience: @nutttybatter has its own Instagram page, website and email marketing communications that help customers interact with us. This creates an online customer relationship management (CRM) with our customer. CRM is really important in any businesses. Hence, this will help us understand our customers’ behaviours, needs and characteristics and we can help to improve and personalise the service for our customers.

These are the 4 key steps that our business have adopted. It is not easy setting up a business, but if you have the will there is always a way. These steps is to kickstart your plan and I hope it is helpful! Do give our business some support! @nutttybatter

Why do you use social media and how business model turns digital?

Have you asked yourself why do you use social media? What is the purpose of it and how it benefits you by using it? If not, take a minute and ask yourself these two questions.

For myself, I use social media to connect with people, to share things that I think is interesting and it benefits me when I am bored, it helps me to past time faster. I am not kidding.

What are the reasons why people use social media?

Social media is about connecting with people and the community. It is a simple basic human need that we all craved for. According to an article published by Global Web Index 2017, the top 10 reasons for social media usage.

  1. To stay in touch with friends
  2. To stay up to date with news and current events
  3. To fill up spare time (This is me!!)
  4. Funny or entertaining content
  5. General networking
  6. Because a lot of my friends are on them
  7. To share photos and videos
  8. Expressing an opinion
  9. To research for products to buy
  10.  To meet new people

Generally, I feel that social media is about creating content for yourself on your social media platforms and you viewing other people’s content. Everything is about content. For example, Instagram. Your friends would be posting their food adventures on their Instagram stories or you will be posting your new makeup or latest computer gadgets that you have just purchased.  Hence, I believe that every content you have come across is unique to its own.  

Brewing something interesting : The trefoil model of social media users and tools outlined by Stokinger, & Ozuem, Wilson. (2014)
Stokinger, & Ozuem, Wilson. (2014). Social Media and Customer Retention: Implications for the Luxury Beauty Industry. 10.4018/978-1-4666-6595-8.ch009.

These social media platforms are categorised into 4 different groups. Business-Seekers, Status- Seekers, Entertainment-Seekers and Knowledge-Seekers.

Business-Seekers use social media such as LinkedIn to help them in their career perspectives by extending their professional network and applying for a job position. LinkedIn is like a ‘Facebook’ for the business world. 

Status-Seekers are social networking sites and visual social media. It allows them to post pictures with cool filters and sharing with their followers. Also, following bigger brands such as Chanel, Christian Dior and Nike etc… I think most of us would be a ‘Status-Seekers’ due to the fact that we use the top 3 social media everyday.

Entertainment-Seekers visit social media to have a good experience through browsing. For example, YouTube. Finding videos to watch, to have a laugh or finding interest through organised blogs like Tumblr. These are creative works sharing sites.

Knowledge-Seekers, these seekers have the mind of extending their knowledge while using social media. Such as TED or Wikipedia

This model categorised different type of social media users. I believe each one of us falls into one of the categories here.

How business model turns digital?

Definition of a business model “… a business model is the method of doing business by which a company can sustain itself — that is, generate revenue” (Rappa, 2009)

A company provides good services and value to customers, the revenue of the company will increase. Therefore, doing well and succeed. This is why a business model is very important.

We are slowly becoming a digitalised world and so is our business model. Hence, we have Social Media Revenue Models.

  • Freemium Model – Getting something for free, you want more you need to pay for it. Eg, Spotify, Strait Times, YouTube etc. This model works well as it gives consumer the chance to explore the business first before making a decision whether they want to use it or not.
  • Subscription Model – Provide access to software-based services to customers. Eg, Netflix, paying monthly for access to shows and movies.
  • Virtual Goods Model- Selling things that are not real which are popular on online games. Eg, NBA Live. You have to pay money to purchase a higher-level player.
  • Advertising model – Sponsored post on social media platforms. Eg, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

As you can read, as much as we are addicted to social media it also creates more opportunities for businesses too. Hence, I believe that social media does bring good to business. One may infer that is bad but hey, that’s a blog for another day. Adios !

Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com

The New Generation of Social Media Marketing

2021 and COVID-19 is still here with us and so is social media. Let’s be honest, since this pandemic starts, you have spent way more hours on social media than anything else. Everyone is starting their home business through social media and you my friend can’t help but place an order because that chocolate brownie just look so damn good ? 🙂

What is Social Media Marketing?

‘Social Media’ is a place to connect and interact with people. ‘Marketing’ is an act of promoting and selling products or services. By combining these two, Social Media Marketing is connecting with people to build your brand awareness, increase sales and running social media content to your followers.

“We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it?” – Erik Qualman

Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

1. Create Brand Awareness

Your followers must know your brand even when they are not thinking about your brand or product. For example, when we talk about fast food. Most of us will think of McDonald’s. It is really ‘FAST-FOOD’. Easy and convenient.

Photo by McDonald’s

Most consumers want to buy brands they recognise. Hence by building a strong brand awareness through social media it will be great way for consumers to recognise your brand easily.

2. Choose the right application

By understanding which is the most used social media platform in Singapore, you may use it as a guide to see which platform is suitable for your business.

As evident Youtube, Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram are the top 4 social media that are most used in Singapore. In my experience on Instagram, I came across this business which sells croissants. They are Brotherbird Bakehouse, they sell different variants of croissant from your typical buttery flakey ones to Thai milk tea croissant. They have been actively promoting their items on Instagram and Facebook. Which helps them to reach a wider target audience. Also, ‘Brotherbird’? This name will just linger in your head.

3. Be Creative & Interesting

Don’t be a boring business. Invest your time and blood on creative content for your business. By putting in a bit more effort in your content is an effective way to promote your brand without it seem like an advertisement. By telling a story through a picture or a video will help your followers to build their own views of the product and your brand. If you have already squeezed all your brain juice and still no idea? You can always hire a creative content creator.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

These 3 uses are just the basic requirements to build your business with social media. I can go on and on, it will be a long post. I do not want you to fall asleep yet. These 3 will give you an insight of how social media marketing is essential to all businesses. It is a powerful yet cost-effective tool to promote businesses.

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